Requesting Donations
All requests for donations must be submitted in writing. On your donation request please be sure to include a contact name, phone number and address of where you would like the donation to be sent. Also provide detailed information regarding the purpose of your request such as a special event, fundraiser, raffle etc., when the donation is needed by, and specifically a description of what you are requesting. Donation requests that have been approved will be processed usually within two weeks of receipt. Due to the high volume of donation letters, The Discovery unfortunately cannot grant all requests. Please know that we do our best to accept as many donation requests as possible, however, in the event that you have not received a donation from us within 4 weeks, regrettably this means we were unable to accommodate your request at this time.
Please submit all requests via email or mail. No request by phone, please.
Discovery Cruises
Donation Request
13170 S. West Bayshore Dr. #104
Traverse City, MI 49684